Best Non-Lethal Self Defense Weapons

Self-defense is mostly used as a last resort option. Those who are highly trained in the art of self-defense prefer to harm their aggressor but not take their life. Use of lethal force is decisive, but you must worry about the blowback that will follow. The news cycle today is full of stories where the world is of your choosing. It is no surprise that a spike in armament sales accompanies every shooting that takes place throughout the country.


There are laws that govern when one should use their firearm. The rules vary in different states and are accompanied by lots of paperwork. Among the documents required are your personal information, a background check, and a skill test before you receive conceal and carry permit. The process is quite costly and can run into the hundreds of dollars. This makes gun ownership inaccessible to many households.

The best self-defense weapons that are not guns are great for self-defense. Some of the market options can result in injury. Knives are an example. Additionally, there are keychain defense tools, defensive sprays, and other innovative products.

Why Go for a Non-Gun Option?

The power of a gun as self-defense is unrivaled. The firearm has an instant stopping power which can be used at a distance or within tight quarters. Pulling out a gun in a self-defense situation is enough to deter an attacker. However, there are reasons why not using a firearm can work equally well. The only justification for the use of a gun on an aggressor must be the defense that your life was in danger. The legal framework surrounding this justification is quite complex. There is the possibility that using a firearm against innocent people will create problems that will face people throughout their lives. On firing a gun, there is the possibility of striking innocent bystanders. This will bring about civil or legal consequences.

pistolA license and training on how to use a firearm will make you an effective member of society. You must be in a position to protect your family, society, and community from people who might wish to bring them harm. If you are in apposition to take responsibility for your problems, go for it.

For many, they have to use a firearm as it will reveal rewards that outweigh the risks involved. There is a consensus among many self-defense experts that the best weapons for self-defense do not have to be firearms.

Best Self-Defense Weapons

It remains an open debate as to what kind of self defense weapon is best. The answer to the question around self-defense weapons varies. Factors such as comfort come into play. The other factor that concerns many is the budget and what environment you will find yourself stuck in. Most women prefer the pepper spray to deal with cases of sexual harassment. It is simple to carry and conceal and does not result in lethal harm to the attacker. Besides, it is easy to buy without going through a volume of documentation and legal barriers. Its use is more about common sense and does not require training.

Best Non-Lethal Self Defense Weapons
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